GateWay's Ministry for Adults 55+ | Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am

Venture is a great place to gather with friends (and meet new friends) to learn, enjoy fellowship, and grow together in the Lord.

To encourage and build up one another, opportunities are offered that minister to the whole person.  A great example of a person walking with God in the second half of his life, was Caleb (Num 14, Josh 14).  He was one of the twelve spies.  We use the acrostic:  S.P.I.E.S:
We work to provide opportunities in each of these areas.  Each quarter or series of classes will vary.

Venture Day Trip- Reagan Library

Venture Group will be visiting the Dead Sea Scrolls now on display at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Bus will depart Gateway Church at 6:45am and then arrive at the Reagan Library at 10:00am. We will depart at 3:00pm arriving back at the church at 6:30pm.  Select your seat when you purchase your ticket.

Cost is $85. (Dead Sea Scrolls and over 200 other artifacts on display, includes water, snacks and our popular Baptist Bingo)

Bring a sack lunch or money for the Reagan Library food court.